Customers Service (Compliant Section – Comments & Suggestions)

Customers Service (Compliant Section – Comments & Suggestions)

Any authorized representative in Padre Garcia Waterworks System is available to answer questions about inquiries, billing statements and assisting customers with water connection problems. (Walk-in or Thru-Phone)

Office or Division: Office for Economic Enterprise Development & Management
Classification: Simple
Types of Transaction: G2C- Government to Citizen
Who may avail: Consumer of Padre Garcia Waterworks

Checklist of Requirements


Step 1

Compliant Form

Agency Action :
Get the exact information’s and concerns of the client

Fees to be Paid : None

Processing Time : 10 minutes

Person Responsible :
Administrative Aide II
Clerk IV
Water Pump Operator
Plumber I
Administrative Aide I

Office for Economic Enterprise Development & Management

Agency Action :
1.1 Forwarding to the assigned Technical Person- (Assigned meter reader for client’s area) Note: Actions are ASAP, depends on the situation

Fees to be Paid : None

Processing Time : 5 minutes

Person Responsible :
Administrative Aide II
Clerk IV
Water Pump Operator
Plumber I
Administrative Aide I

Office for Economic Enterprise Development & Management

Total Time :


15 minutes